Comanche 4 Legacy Project

The History Of Comanche 4 and the C4 Community 

Site is best viewed at 1440 X 900 Resolution
Wayback Machine Archives

The Wayback Machine is a non-profit that uses software to access and archive webpage’s to
create a Internet Archive. Most of the old Comanche 4 squad and resource website’s are no
longer available online. The Wayback Archive is the only way to see the pages.
The pages may take a long time to load, have graphics missing, broken links and missing pages.
Not all Comanche 4 Sites have been archived, some have been excluded from archiving using
script to block the software from crawing the page {robots anti-crawl script} or the owner of the
site copyright had the archive removed.

Any site creater or copyright owner of the sites linked here is welcome to contact
the project and have sites copied to Legacy, we will remove the wayback banners, clean
up the pages and re-publish your pages here at Legacy giving the pages easier access
and a cleaner appearance.


C4 league
{first site}

C4 league
{after site was moved}

Comanche 4 Information
{Reaper's site}

Comanche 4 Guide
{Author Escaped Turkey}

{NO ESCAPE<SON> German info site}

{Killers site}

Comanche 4
{Novalogic Official Comanche 4 site}

Get Ranked Hydras
{Reaper/Killer program}
